Merging Code

Merging code into Projecto’s master is not a very complicated process. You will need to use Github, so make sure you have an account there first.

After you get an account, fork the projecto repository.

Git Workflow

When authoring a patch for a feature or to fix a bug, use git’s branching feature. Always branch out to a branch with the issue number in it. Let’s say if you’re working on issue 42 and it is about refactoring the feed controller, before you start your patch, you should branch out like this:

$ git branch refactor-feed-42

Of course, the name of the branch is up to you. Try to reference the issue number in the branch name.

Next, you should author your patch. Try to have some descriptive commit messages.

If master receives additional commits after you started your patch, have no fear! If master’s change is relatively insignificant, just keep going. Otherwise you should rebase your changes against master:

$ git fetch upstream # Assuming that upstream points to the projecto repo.
$ git rebase upstream/master

Once you’re done your patch, commit and push it to your own repository:

$ git commit # commits
$ git push origin refactor-feed-42 # or other branch names

Now go to the Github UI and hit pull request. Have a descriptive title and some descriptions of what this patch does and why it is useful. Put “Fixes #<issuenumber>” (example: Fixes #42) at the end of the pull request description.

Wait for review and once you get a thumbs up, your code will be merged.


Testing is a very important part of Projecto. Not everything was tested when the project first began. However, all new code must have unittests unless it is an extremely trivial change (typo, or things that doesn’t affect the core logic).

Additionally, all unittests must pass for code to be merged. So please run all tests.

The clientside tests runs by typing the following command on host machine:

$ karma start karma.config.js

This will test the clientside code in both Chrome, Firefox, and PhantomJS.

The server side tests runs by typing the following command on the Vagrant box:

$ t